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Big EEG deployments.
With our packages, you can rent multiple EEG systems and maximise your data collection while saving time and money.

Optimise you data collection process in multiple subjects for mobile EEG/offsite applications. Our ultra-portable ego solution, provides you with multiple eego mini systems for home-based recording, only for as long as you need them. The lightweight design and easy-of-use makes it a perfect tool for recording EEG on the go.


Maximise you data collection process for multiple high density recordings by collecting in parallel more than one subject. With our eegomylab solution, you can rent multiple eeg systems and pay only for as long as you need them, speeding up your research, and saving considerably on the cost of the systems..
This brand new solution for high density EEG recording is perfect for demanding research laboratory applications. The eego hub is a plug-and-play HD-EEG system with a in-built high-performance PC complete with cloud based data storage capacity. Also suitable for multi centric research studies that require massive data collection and sharing (the hub is easily transportable)

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